Summer Collab

Lon Lon Revival

Ophelia’s birthday

he Royal-Guard armour was a perfect design. But for the one disadvantage that the fabric stung where the weight of back-packs had started cutting into the two soldiers’ shoulders. Must have been the sweat. The garment was improved constantly, but this inconvenience remained. It was Ophelia’s bane, for sure, when she walked across the plains of Hyrule, her friend Cressida following her in every step she took.

They’d always walked the fields together, Ophelia leading ahead as they sought the horizon, even back with the teen cadets. Which the splendid warriors hadn’t been for long. Now they walked as esteemed squires, equipped with the strongest weapons in the kingdom. They’d come a long way together, and they had a long way ahead of them – ever as two, like they’d vowed to each other.

Art by Celestial Crows

Writing by Djucgu