Summer Collab

A Stumble on Satori Mountain

It has been a brief period since the battle against Calamity Ganon and things in the regions of Hyrule are starting to return to normal, and in the process, Link and Zelda have been traveling and helping others along the way. 

They've also been staying at a few campsites and stables for rest and refuge, one of those sites being in Satori Mountain.

Zelda: Yes, right here this looks like the best spot to stay in for the night! 

Link and Zelda start setting up camp for the rest over the evening, and all the while they begin seeing Blupees appear and disappear at random.

As the sun sets, the two begin to set up to make food for the night. Zelda meanwhile, is reading thoroughly through journals she'd written and came across the story of Satori Mountain. 

Zelda: Legend has it that Satori, the God of the mountains will appear before all of whom are present after an offering by those who wish to summon him.

Link, we must make an offering to Satori tonight. He might even be able to provide us guidance throughout our long journey!

Link prepares the pot to make some food for the evening and while Zelda tries to gather ingredients and fruits to offer in the hopes that Satori might be able to appear.

As night began to fall, Link kept cooking and resting up for the night. But before he could put out the fire, Zelda came rushing by with fruits and vegetables to offer, only to trip on a nearby rock and drop the offerings into the pot.

Link looks on in shock and confusion while Zelda looks with embarrassment and bewilderment. She then goes back to find another offer, only to come across a Hot-Footed Frog, she then caught it to offer in exchange, only she would trip again and the frog would then hop away.

Zelda then turned red with embarrassment as Link offers his hand to help her up, he could see in her eyes the awkwardness of what happened, but he paid it no mind, Link gave Zelda a smile that seemed to have washed away the unease in her nerves and returned a smile.

And as the night went on, Zelda and Link had been chatting with each other about the journey that they each had went on and are still taking in their own way. All before falling asleep at their own pace, with Zelda snuggling up to Link, and Link wrapping his right arm around Zelda.

As the morning arrives, the two begin to go and pack up for the remainder of their quest ahead, with Link offering a breakfast porridge to Zelda. They both eat up and begin to tread forward.

Zelda: Well, it was certainly an attempt to say the least, but I'm sure Satori could see the thought in it. Anyways, let's get going, we'll be needing all the help we can get.

Upon departing the mountain, we see a herd of Blupees looking on as the two set off, we then see one Blupee look up to see Satori himself looking on and giving a nod to the pair, and wishing them the best of luck in their journey.

Art by Lupiko

Writing by LuigiDurden