Create an OC Collab

Pico the Minish

A Minish from the time of Breath of the Wild. Pico owns a garden and receives a request for a flower that is only found in a rather dangerous place... View more below:

A Chance Meeting

Within one of the many houses and shops of Castle Town, a small Picori named Pico spends their days running a little flower shop. They adore making bouquets and arrangements for the fellow Minish, as well as to leave with any Hylians who share a love for flowers as they do. Pico’s mother had taught them everything they know; the perfect amount of water, the right type of soil and mulch, the right locations, etcetera. They’re very well known by their peers, and gets along with everyone!

 They own a small garden of their own, full of all their favorites. They tend to these flowers much more carefully, especially their very rare Hyper Pico Blooms; they were named after them after all. Oh! Can’t forget the new breed of flower they had bred by complete accident! They had just perfectly planted two flowers next to each other, and magically weeks later, a brand-new flower had bloomed. It was a beautiful teal-blue and white flower with a tiny yellow bud springing out. It was elegant in their eyes. The day they found it sprouting, they sat with it contently while reading a book from their wide collection; The Silent Princess, to which they had named it after. 

 Most of the flowers they use in bouquets come from their own garden, as well as any from around the town. However, there will be times someone requests a bouquet with flowers they do not have, so they travel all over Hyrule to find these requested flowers. Pico never complains when this happens. Hyrule is a vast, beautiful kingdom, and they’ll take any excuse to see its beauty.

This exact scenario happens one day when one of their usual commissioners requests for a bouquet with a mix of your ordinary Hyrulian flowers, however, they also requested the addition of one type of flora, only known to grow in between the cracks of mountains and cliffs: Crenal Wisterias. It’s a bit of a dangerous trek, but they accept the job nonetheless.

…Which brings our little friend to Mount Crenal. They’ve arrived just hours ago and still no sign of this goddess-forsaken flower! How long have they searched now? It feels like it’s been ages since they first got that commission. It’s not like they can cancel it now thanks to their own policy… Sigh, no use in giving up when you’ve done this far, eh? So they climb and climb and climb until their hands are sore. They reach a point on the cliff side they're going up and see a beautiful cyan-violet color. Could… Could that be it?? A burst of adrenaline rushes through them as they climb faster now, seeing their victory in plain sight!!! They’re going to go home, make that bouquet, and enjoy some nice tea and cracker crumbs and finally finish—

Their hand slips.

Fumbling for the closest rock, they grab it but it slips as their sweaty hands can’t properly grab it. Screaming and flailing their tiny hands around, they desperately try to find someway out of this, but it doesn’t look good!!! Tears flow out as they realize they will die. They had so much they yet wanted to do, like visit their parents for the first time in ages, they wanted to meet the other races of Hyrule, maybe finally learn how to play that flute they received as a gift some time back ago. Pico lets out a loud sob, before they close their eyes and imagine all the kind friends and customers they’ve known over the past few years. Ah… This isn’t fair… 

They’re very quickly reaching the ground below them, and they clutch their violet feathers and wrap themselves around it for comfort. Pico’s eyes squeeze shut as they prepare to splat into the ground…


Huh…? Wait, the ground isn’t supposed to be soft!!! Opening their eyes upon realizing this and look around and see a blonde boy with a strange green hat holding them up… Wait, is this a Hylian!? The boy’s hat perks up and looks over you. 

“That was quite the fall! Are you alright there?” 

`THE HAT SPEAKS?!’ They don’t hide their shock and the hat knows. They calm down and nod slowly, trying to wrap this strange new discovery around their head. 

The boy’s turn now. “That was super dangerous! What were you doing up there!?” He looks them over, making sure Pico wasn’t hurt anywhere, and lets out a breath when he sees no injuries. The Picori slowly starts to form some words.

“Well…” They began, “I had to get that flower…” they point up to the deep-colored flower above them. “For a bouquet, I was asked to make…” The boy looks up to where they were gesturing to, and looks back.

“Oh, you want it? Hold on” the boy says as he places them down, and starts to climb up the cliff faster than they’ve ever been able to climb! Was this kid a monkey!? He lifts himself to the cliff with the flowers, and grabs onto the Wisterias with care. Looking back down, he waves at the Picori, holding them up in the air to show.

He jumps back down and lands with the special cargo, and reaches out his hand.

“Here you go!” He wore a huge grin. Pico slowly grabbed it and examined the flora, and nodding.

“I… Thank you..! That was very kind, what you did.” they give a smile just as big as the boy’s. “What can I do to repay you?”

Their “hero” laughs. “Nah, don’t even worry about it! Just knowing you're more safe is more than enough!” He placed his hands behind his head and tilted. “The name’s Link,” he points to his hat. “and this is Ezlo. Nice to meet ‘ya!”

“P-Pico... Nice to meet you Link… Ezlo..” They give the pair a small smile, nodding happily.

Writing by Kerto