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A Rito from the time of Wind Waker. Although a Rito, she prefers to travel the seas by her ship, and recruits a crew. View more below:


A frigate bird based Rito, who initially served the postal service, finding ships far at sea to deliver messages. At some point, they decided coming back to land frequently was not for them and they decided to take up life on a ship.

Creetholi is a frigate bird based Rito from Wind Waker. She has glossy black plumage, with white throat and breast feathers, and a red ring around her eye. Her narrow tail is deeply forked, her beak sharply hooked. She has long, pointed wings that allow her to glide long distances. 

She initially worked for the Rito postal service, and due to her ability to ride marine thermals to find ships far at sea. As a result, she is often alone, soaring for miles with only her thoughts as company. Over time, she starts to dread coming back to the bustle of Dragon Roost Island, finding it to busy and loud for her to be truly happy. She longs for the sounds of the wind over open water. 

Some of her favorite regulars are bands of pirates that she meets, including Tetra’s crew. 

One day, on returning to Dragon Roost Island, Creetholi turns in her uniform and mail bag and hops back on the thermals, no destination in mind. She finds Tetra and spends time in the ship’s crows nest and learning all she can before taking off on her own. 

She buys her own ship, Dream Chaser, small and speedy and strong, much like her captain. She recruits an all Rito crew, all female save for Davli, who spends his time perched on the tallest mast, watching the waters ahead for opportunities.

A ship built for Rito is a little different than one built for humans. Half of the upper deck is open, allowing crew to roost and fly as needed. Deck rails are rounded, allowing for easier perching. On duty crew might fly along side rather than walk the deck, fishing and sailing at the same time. 

The Dream Chaser is also equipped with Swift Sails that are made, in part, with molted feathers from the crew. The feathers allow the sail to be more effective in catching available wind, and help push the ship forward even when seas seem still. It’s almost as though the ship can take advantage of the phenomenon that allows Creetholi to soar. 

Traveling the open sea may be Creetholi’s dream to chase, but it is not always idyllic.  A sudden, terrible storm catches up to them one night, driving the crew below decks before they can prepare the ship for the weather. The ship reels in the waves, rain like cold needles and lightening flashing around it. Creetholi huddles with her crew and they ride it out together. 

They assess the damage in the morning. Several of the yardarms on the main mast have broken, shredding sail cloth and making it unusable. They are close enough to a small island with a protective cove, so they drop anchor to make repairs. 

There are very few resources to repair masts and sails on their new, temporary home. It is impossible for Rito to carry the heavy wood needed to fix the yardarms across the open sea. They are stuck.

Until the day a strange red boat bearing a young hero makes its way to their cove.

Creetholi is familiar with humans and she is pretty sure this one is very young to be sailing alone. Still, he has a ship and she doesn’t, so she strikes a deal with him. If he can bring her wood, sail cloth and the green chu gel Davli wants for some reason, she will have her crew make an extra sail for him. 

Once Link returns, Creetholi will give him a Swift Sail, allowing more efficient exploration of the Great Sea.

Art by Webcutter

Writing by DrSteggy