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A Gerudo from the time of Breath of the Wild. She is a Gerudo teen and was Princess Zelda's Lady of Waiting. She remembers Link after all these years, but what does he remember? View more below:

These Old Memories of Ours

Casli thought she had finally lost her mind when she first saw him. 

One hundred years of being trapped in the decaying and ruined Castle of Hyrule could do that to a person.

His blonde hair had grown out a bit from what she remembered and his eyes seemed free from the unspoken burden that he once carried on his shoulders. But despite all the time that had passed, he still wore the blue of the champions.

Casli didn’t know him very well. She had never made it her goal to do as such. To her, he was simply the knight of the lady she served. Princess Zelda.

Part of Casli wished it had been her and not him. Seeing her old friend’s green eyes would have certainly helped with soothing her restless soul. If she closed her eyes and imagined, she could see her again.

It’s been over a hundred years since she first met the princess. Introduced by Chieftess Urbosa to the young princess and late queen, Casli was to be her lady-in-waiting.

…at least that was what had been said out loud. Later she had been pulled aside by the late queen as she requested that Casli wasn’t simply a lady-in-waiting but a friend for Zelda. 

At first, Zelda was the strangest princess she had ever met. Well, the only princess really.  But still, she was different. If Casli had to choose an animal to compare her to, it would have to be like the bulls you could find in Akkala. Stubborn. In fact, Casli thinks that Zelda was likely far more stubborn than any bull that you could find in Akkala.

As a lady-in-waiting, it was naturally her duty to aid Zelda in any way possible. She needed water? Casli would call for it. She was headed out? Casli would prepare a carriage right away. She needed a book from the library? Naturally, Casli would go and grab it for her. 

Instead, Zelda refused her help. It wasn’t just her help, but the help of everyone around her. If Zelda wanted something she would grab it herself. If she were hungry then she would walk herself down to the kitchen to request something. No matter what it was, Zelda had to do it herself. This stubbornness often led to Casli watching as Zelda struggled to reach for a book that Casli would have been able to grab with ease. 

Eventually, Casli simply learned to ignore Zelda’s protests when it was clear that the Princess needed help.

Casli found herself following after Link. What else could she really do? It was nice to see a familiar face after so many years in solitude. 

She watched silently as he scavaged through the rubble, searching for anything that could be of use. He plowed through the monsters that roamed the once-beautiful halls. Destroyed what remained of the death machines that were once meant to protect them.

Eventually, she watched as he set up a fire, resting deep in the castle’s waterways.

The fire flickered off the brown stone of the walls, illuminating his face. In his hands, he held what Casli easily recognized to be the Sheikah Slate. He flipped through it as he ate what seemed to be a mushroom skewer. 

Casli found herself moving closer to get a better look at what he was doing. He was flipping through images. He kept going until he stopped at one specifically. 

Casli easily recognized the landscape of the image. It was the bridge just outside of her lady’s study where she had once overseen the preparations of the ancient Sheikah weaponry.

Casli remembered those times like it was just yesterday. The times when her friend slowly stopped smiling. Burdened and held down by the weight of the expectations of not just those around her, but the entire country. The long sleepless nights she would push herself through searching desperately for some sort of answer. Hours and hours until she collapsed at her desk forcing Casli to request aid in bringing her to bed. 

One night still stood strong, burned into her memory. She remembered waiting up late, awaiting Zelda’s return from one of the holy springs. Casli was about to leave, ready to check on Zelda herself, when she finally returned. Except she wasn’t bringing herself back. No. It was Lady Urbosa who brought her back. She had passed out in the cold waters of the spring.

The memories brought a wave of bitter emotions to the forefront of her mind. Shaking her head, she leaned forward to get a better look at what Link was doing. Casli felt herself teeter forward and quickly slapped a hand on the shoulder in front of her to help rebalance herself.

Like a spooked cat, Link jumped before shooting out from under her palm. Casli stumbled forward as her support ran out from underneath her before snapping up to look at Link. 

His eyes were wide, an array of emotions racing through them. Confusion, fear, shock, and curiosity. Casli stared back at her smoky form through his eyes. Stared into her own golden eyes from his blue ones.

He… he could see her?

They watched each other with wide eyes before Link stepped forward again, offering his hand. She was confused before realizing that she was still bent at the hip, recovering from her fall.

She snapped up, instinctively moving to brush her dress off. Link waited patiently as she composed herself. It was only after she met his gaze, standing tall and firm, did he talk.

“Who are you? Are you a champion? You didn’t appear in any of the memories…” The last part had been mumbled absentmindedly.

Casli tilted her head. Did she hear him right? “You… don’t remember… who I am?” It was hard to find her words.

Link shook his head.

Casli wasn’t sure what to think of it. Sure they didn’t know each other well but the slight relief that came with at least one person remembering who she was brought her peace that she didn’t know in years. Now it was all gone. Gone in a single phrase.

“I’m sorry.” Casli looked up when she heard Link speak again.

“Pardon?” She stepped forward slightly, “Why are you sorry?”

Link sighed, looking away, “You seem to know me, but I don’t know you. You seem to know me well.”

Her disappointment must’ve shown on her face. It took a moment of thought before she shook her head with a smile.

“It was no such thing, no need to worry yourself. I was simply relieved to see a familiar face after so long.” Casli lowered herself into a curtsy. “I am Casli, lady-in-waiting to Princess Zelda.” Looking up she met Link’s gaze with a smile.

“It’s good to see you again, Link.”

Art by Hik Masao

Writing by Lupiko