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A Deku from the time of Majoras Mask. Link ventures out to find the son of the Deku princess before time must be reset. View more below:

Quest for Bubba

As the young hero entered the throne room of the Deku Palace he was met with the same angered chatter as before; the King and his attendants all so distracted they didn’t even notice the human boy run up close. Before anyone could speak, Link opened his bottle and tipped it over. The Deku Princess herself managed to stumble out with a somehow graceful flair.

 “Enough!!” Her shrill voice boomed through the throne room and she was met with immediate attention. “Release that poor monkey immediately!! He is innocent!!” 

 “You saved me!! Thank you friend!!” The monkey jumped happily around Link and Tatl as the princess watched on. She sighed, relieved they made it in time.

 “Looks like our job here is done… finally…” Tatl mumbled to Link who replied with a soft, tired smile.

“My sweet daughter I’m so glad you are safe,” the King exclaimed, tears of relief trickling down his face. The other Deku cheered and danced around. 

“Yes, yes… while it’s so lovely to see you father…” the touch of sarcasm was a bit too obvious in the princess’ voice as she glanced around the room. “Where is my little one? I’ve missed him so.” The room was met with yet another silence. She waited a moment before repeating herself. “Father… Where is my child?” The king gulped audibly.

“He… he wasn’t with you, my dear?” He asked sheepishly. 

“YOU LOST MY SON?!” The Princess’ yell alone felt like it had shaken Termina as much as the approaching moon. Amidst her angry rambling she turned to Link with tears in her eyes. “Oh hero, please may I ask for your help once more?! My dear Bubba is missing!!” 

“How are we even supposed to know where to look?!” Tatl whispered to Link. “We gotta get a move on it…” The boy looked to her with sympathetic eyes. “You want to help don’t you? Of course you do…” Tatl sighed. “I mean it’s a baby right? He couldn’t have gone too far…” 

“Me can help!” The now freed monkey exclaimed from beside the Princess. “Me owe you so much for saving me. Plus, me have good idea where baby might be. We bring home baby!”

“If you think so, then lead the way!” Tatl exclaimed and the trio made their way out of the palace as the throne room returned to a panicked state. The monkey lead Link and Tatl along the swamp back into the woods behind the witch’s shop. 

“Me think Bubba went looking for his mama,”the  monkey explained. “He visits here with her! Stay close!!” He hopped along into the woods.

“Oh not this again,” Tatl sighed as they made their way; sticking close to the monkey as he hurried along. They came upon an unfamiliar area of the woods.

“This where our babies stay,” the monkey said happily as he ran over to a group of smaller monkeys huddled together. Among the snoring babies there was a rustling of leaves. 

“Do you hear that?” Tatl nudged Link. The young hero nodded. Joined with the rustling there was an unmistakable cry coming from the small group of huddled sleeping monkeys. The pair walked over and peeked down into the nest. 

The monkey moved aside some leaves. There at the center was the smallest Deku scrub that either had ever seen. Leaves around the bottom of his tummy mimicked a diaper; little feet kicking underneath as the small Deku sobbed and shook his head. He wore a small crown that resembled his mother’s. 

“He is here!” Their monkey friend hopped excitedly.

“Hey, kid! Quit crying! We’re here to take you home!” He continued to sob. Tatl sighed. “Hey— what was his name?? Bubba!! We are here to take you home!” The baby popped up suddenly.

“Home?” The small Deku sniffled, then catching sight of the monkey. “Mama’s friend! B-but I still have to find my mama! She’s lost too! Not that I’m lost!” Link smiled reassuringly.

 “Your mama is safe!” The monkey exclaimed happily.

 “She is?!” Bubba’s eyes lit up.  “When mama went missing I was so worried,” Bubba shook his head again, “I missed her so much! I decided I had to be brave and find her! So I came to see her friends and then I got lo— I needed a break! So I came and sat with their babies! Yeah!”

 “Someone is in denial,” Tatl mumbled, Link chuckling in response. “Just come along with us and we’ll take you back to see her.” 

 “You will?” Bubba jumped excitedly. “I want to see mama again! Not that I need help getting out of here!” Link took out his empty bottle and scooped up the small Deku.

“Princess will be so happy!” The monkey hopped around, then excitedly began to lead them back out of the woods. 

 “Come on, Link!” Tatl started fluttering toward the exit. “We don’t exactly have time to spare.” Link glanced up to the sky. Just past the tall trees he could see the moon; it’s eerie face getting ever closer. “Link!!” His attention jumped back to Tatl as he started to follower her back out of the woods.

The four of them made their way back to the palace quickly. As they entered the throne room they saw the princess pacing back in forth so anxiously she hadn’t even noticed the group’s return. Before Link had a moment to open the bottle, Bubba popped the top off and leapt out towards his mother.

 “Mama!” This immediately caught the princess’ attention.

 “My baby!!” The Deku Princess extended her arms and Bubba jumped into them immediately.

“Mama!!” The Princess spun him around. “I was so worried! I came looking for you! Then these two came to help! Not that I needed it!” The Princess chuckled as she cuddled her little one.

 “Of course you didn’t,” she looked up to Link. “My hero, we cannot express enough thanks for all you’ve done. We must reward you for your service.” She lifted one sleeve covered hand forward with a makeshift crown of leaves. “Please accept this as a sign of our thanks.” Link smiled and took their gift. 

“If you wear that no matter where you go everyone will know you are me and mama’s hero!” Bubba exclaimed happily. 

“Others of our kind will know you are a respected friend of our royal family,” the princess continued, “Even Deku Babbas will know not to give you trouble. You may even get a good deal from our traveling merchants.” 

“That sounds like it could come in handy,” Tatl examined the crown before Link placed it in his bag. 

“I’m so tired, being brave is tough!” Bubba exclaimed as he cuddled into his mother.

“Oh! Before I forget,” the princess looked up once more, “we do have one more reward prepared for you. I believe our butler has prepared it. You’ll want to meet him in our shrine just outside of the palace.” 

Link and Tatl said their goodbyes and made their way off to the shrine before continuing their adventure. The moon was still drawing closer; and the pair knew this success may only last until they have to reset the cycle once more. But for now, a happy Deku Bubba was safely asleep in his mother’s arms.

Art by Devious

Writing by HylianTactician