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A Hylian from the time of Breath of the Wild. She is the descendant of knight and likes to brag about it. Audrey leaves her home of Hateno to find rare items to sell, but comes across an unusual traveler along the way. View more below:

The Talk of Hateno

The rain had finally halted to a pause as the first rays of sunlight finally peeked through the translucent tarp of the roof. Makeshift tents fashioned as stables were a godsend in the desolate landscape known as Hyrule where no civilization was found for acres and acres of empty, overgrown lands. Though, that certainly meant that natural resources…and monsters were quite abundant in these empty lands. 

And Audrey has had enough of it all.

Geez, why didn't anybody tell her that skeletons can and will chase her through the field at night. It did not scare her to death, of course but there were too many that she had to account for, even for a great warrior like her.

…Nevermind. She had been terrified at the first second the soil beneath her shifted to reveal a cold skeletal hand, clawing at her ankles. Somehow, the poor girl wrenched herself  free, and ran— ran for her life. She definitely would have been dead meat, had it not been for that blond traveller in that weird glowing suit, who saved her body and bruised soul.

….How preposterous!! She, who was the descendant of a legendary knight, being saved by a measly peasant in strange, outrageous clothing?!?! 

….No. she was thankful to be alive right now. Indebted in fact. Legendary ancestry aside, Audrey was just a fledgling traveller, for it had been just a few months since she had stepped out of the boundaries of Hateno village. Since there wasn't any formal authority which required an army, she had become a merchant of various trinkets she picked up across the land—rusty swords, wood and if she got lucky, rubies. Destitution had made its way into their agriculture, for selling crops really did not fill the needs of her family and herself. 

Well, for this new business model though, Audrey had earned quite a pretty sum for herself—and all she needed was to get this generous amount of rupees back to her village, safe and sound.

See? That was the issue. For some reason, ever since that strange fog enshrouded the ruins of the ancient castle, monsters had become quite commonplace along the path. Stupid little buggers hiding in the grass to ambush unsuspecting travellers. Whatever it was, she was to transport the money safely. Fortunately for her, her peculiar saviour was headed in the same direction. Hence, Audrey tagged along.

Though….it was really, really boring. He never spoke, at all, his blue eyes trained on the trail ahead, while she kept on yapping, atop her horse. Geez, it was like talking to a brick wall! Whatever. Maybe he really didn't know how to speak.

The now dilapidated fortress was in their line of sight. "You know, my great great grandfather fought during the calamity?" She started, obviously very proud to be telling this story. She was proud of her heritage, her bloodline. "He was a part of the knights of Hyrule and helped defend this very place from the calamity." The young lass sighed, wistfully looking into the distance.

 "He had also seen the legendary princess and the hero's death on this very field, you know he—" it did take her a while to realise that her companion had been left behind. He was still atop his horse, completely unresponsive. Atleast he was nodding along her story before but right now, this man looked like he had seen a ghost. He was pale and shaking like a leaf. In concern, the girl spurred her horse to turn, and called out to him and that was exactly when he regained his senses and composure. 

"Are you fine?" Audrey asked, attempting to place a hand against his shoulder, but instead, his horse just started to pick up speed, as if he was avoiding the question. It was strange, but made her all the more curious.

She was determined to learn more about this strange man.

Art by Ellasketch

Writing by Grace