The Hallowed Past


200 years after the events of Tears of the Kingdom, the leader of the Yiga Clan has become obsessed with finding the artifacts to resurrect an ancient Demon King, or perhaps become one himself. The artifacts, hidden in the Depths, have been corrupting creatures around them and turning the temples protecting the very same artifacts into monster nests.

Princess Zelda, through her work among the Sheikah clan, has heard of this sinister plan of the Yiga. She hopes her Sheikah training will be enough to stop him. Her search for a way to stop him brings her to the Gerudo desert, where she meets the new chieftain of the Gerudo: Link. Yes, the male Gerudo of this century was named for the heroes of legend and raised to be better than the historically traitorous Ganondorf.

Link joins Zelda in her quest to prevent the Yiga Clan from gaining demonic power from the artifacts.

More Info

The story starts with the Gerudo male and king of the Gerudos. Link, trying to take care of the Yiga clan or at least slow them down because he doesn’t want a version of Ganon again after the ancient legends 200 years ago this is when a Sheikah Warrior and Researcher Zelda Arrives to see link she thinks we can work together to stop the Yiga clan but first they must gather the artifacts from the 4 temples in the depths and gives link a Robot Companion that turns into the instrument for this game an accordion.

Water Temple Location: East Reservoir Lake depth opening in the side of the lake

Fire Temple Location: Underneath Death Mountain 

Wind Temple Location: Underneath a mountain range in hebra 

Forest Temple Location: Underneath Faron with an opening in the Zonai Ruins 

These 4 temples can be done in any order.

Upon approaching the nearby settlement(in the case of Fire and Water (Aka Goron City or Zora’s Domain) or getting near the temple in the case of the other two the New Yiga Leader kidnaps Zelda and gets away before Link can stop them .

Water Temple 

After getting the Zora Armor Link can dive down into the east reservoir lake and enter the water temple in the depths this place is naturally flooded by water from an opening in the east reservoir lake made by the whirlpool 200 years ago and in a chest contains the dungeon item the iron boots using them to weigh down switches and getting the boss key Link must play a song the Call of Waves to raise the water level high enough to reach the boss door after recovering a piece of the artifact yiga clan members waiting in hiding outside fight link for the artifact and he wins but not without the artifact falling out of his hands and getting stolen by the Yiga clan.

Fire Temple 

In the Eldin Region the inactive death mountain is causing problems the Fire Temple being corrupted has stopped lava flow to death mountain and so link must dive into the depths below death mountain revealing there is barely any lava outside of around the fire temple he must put on a flame resistant gear before entering the fire temple or he’ll start to take damage the dungeon item for this is the hookshot and using it to hit switches and pull himself across gaps reveals the boss door yet again requires another accordion song,  The Prelude of Flames, which moves platforms into position to cross a pit of lava and reach the boss Again after killing the boss located there(was thinking a suped up fire gleeok from TOTK) Death Mountain finally has its lava back and the Yiga clan again steal the artifact from Link's hands.

The Wind Temple 

In a cave in Hebra reveals an massive cold snap underneath Hebra and all of the water in Hebra has frozen over because of it and so Link ventures to the wind temple to break the Ice the dungeon item for this one is the Fire Ice and Shock Arrows all in a single chest alongside a bow and regular arrows allowing Link to melt ice Freeze objects and move objects using electric power.

Using the Song of Wind allows link to ride up a wind current to reach the boss the boss is a boss similar to morpha but the core moves around the edge of the arena while the tentacles attack from the center you first must hit the core with a fire arrow to freeze morpha then hit it with a shock arrow to make the core leave alternatively if link has completed the fire temple you can hookshot the core out once Morpha dies the Yiga clan again ambushes link and steals the artifact but the cold snap underneath Hebra is gone and the water has returned to normal.

Forest Temple 

The Jungles Of Faron are dying due to the corruption of the Forest temple so link sets out to help the Jungle because the Jungle is Faron’s most important aspect Inside the Forest temple is the hover boots and using them to hover across platforms and playing the Call of the Forest grows a vine allowing link to access the boss a plant based version of Gohma however this one can destroy the floor requiring link to hover across the gaps with the hover boots to hit her.

Shadow Temple 

The Shadow temple is located in the taken over Kakirako Village in the well and there’s no dungeon item in this temple nor the final one the song is the dungeon item the Nocturne of Shadow using it opens the way to the Boss which are Phantom versions of Past Gerudo Kings(aka Ganons) We have the one from Twilight Princess Wind Waker Skyward Sword and TOTK in no order for the first 3 but TOTK ganon is last.

Spirit Temple- Finale 

Returning to Kara Kara Bazaar reveals that Gerudo town has been Taken over by the Yiga to distract Link as the new Yiga clan leader assembles the artifact in the depths below the Yiga clan hideout. Reaching the boss will require opening 3 locks One in an airborne Yiga Fortress one in the Yiga clan hideout and one in the depths. To get to the Airborne Yiga Hideout Link needs to hijack a ride up their and then activate the device which sets off a self destruct system inside the Fortress requiring link to get out of their fast. Escaping the exploding fortress, Link must now sneak his way through the Yiga Clan Hideout to reach the second device and if he gets caught, the Yiga clan will throw him out of the hideout, requiring him to sneak through it again. 

The depths one is located in front of the boss door and reaching it and heading inside the boss door the new Yiga Clan Boss activates the artifact reviving the demon king but at the cost of his own life, but then Links blade starts to glow and Zelda is freed with her hand beginning to glow, granting Link the Master Sword and Zelda the light arrows as the final showdown begins.

The Demon King is defeated and Link charges his master sword up with energy as he performs a final combo and Zelda seals away The Demon King, which destroys the artifact for good and ends the story.





