Island of Lost Souls

Main Theme

Island of Lost Souls - Theme.mp3


Having set out to explore the world beyond their kingdom, Princess Zelda and her swordsman Link discover a lovely tropical island. But moments after disembarking, the pair discover a nearby shipwreck. Link scavenges the wreck and discovers an old notebook, full to the brim of novel information about the island, such as villages, monuments... and a very big fish. Reading time was short-lived as they encountered a swarm of island monsters, and the two swung into action for their first battle here!

After their encounter with the island’s monsters, Link and Zelda trekked further inland. They were looking for the villages marked in the notebook, motivated by excitement and curiosity. The road was not easy, however: The terrain proved difficult, be it rocky hill climbs or fast-flowing rivers; the place had monster encampments here and there, the adversaries being more stronger and dangerous than the previous ones. But the two powered through to reach the village site... only to be met with surprises.

The place, sketched and described as a magnificent residence for the natives, was an absolute wreck: homes were destroyed, rubble and dust scattered the grounds, and not a soul remained. But shortly after, Link and Zelda are ambushed by a group of native islanders! They were hostile and territorial, ready to pounce on the pair they deemed a threat. The two lept into battle, without a chance to explain themselves! 

The two held off as great as they could, taking down the attackers one by one. But the battle wasn’t over when the warriors were down and out: The two were confronted by a cloaked woman, ready to finish the job. But upon hearing Link’s name and Zelda’s title, she was taken aback, recognizing our heroes. The figure unveiled herself as Mitroza, the chieftess of the island. Seeing them as an ally from a previous iteration, she invites them to a haven.

After receiving a proper introduction from the tribespeople and getting some rest, Mitroza told the origin story of the tribe: Originally, there were residents of Hyrule. The people were masters of magic, using it for the betterment of society. They had a strong ally that was the leviathan, a gigantic but benign fish full of magic. It provided a sense of protection for the people as it kept their area clean from monsters and other threats.

But a powerful magician amongst the people desired to use his magic for selfish desires and objected to the principles the tribe followed. What was a disagreement turned into an outright civil war, as the magician fought against his people as a step toward his desires. The grand leviathan intervened, and the battle shifted between the giant creature and the magician. But unfortunately, what was supposed to be the tribe’s last line of defense fell into the hands of the magician, corrupted by his malicious powers.

The help of the contemporary iteration of Link and Zelda were requested, and obliged they did: Together with the tribe’s magic, they took on and eventually defeated the magician. However, his soul parted from his body and took over any remaining control the leviathan had over its own body. There was nothing the tribe could do but watch their protector drift away, literally and mentally. After the leviathan disappeared, the newfound sense of vulnerability led the tribe to leave Hyrule in search of a safer refuge and a fresh start. That refuge eventually ended up being this very island.

The tribe thrived as they spread across the island until the leviathan came back to them. What was supposed to be a joyful occasion became nightmare material, as the hate and malice the magician had for the tribe had remained and compounded within the corrupted beast. A full-on attack was unleashed onto the island, entire towns demolished and the tribe nearly sent into extinction. The survivors only had each other left and built a haven with their remaining magic to preserve their tribe. The tribe has not recovered since the attack.

Once the story concluded, they were informed that the leviathan had returned, much to everyone’s dismay. When they reach the beach it was approaching, Link and Zelda meet the leviathan for the first time, and defend the island by fighting the ferocious terror. They were successful as the leviathan swam off, but it became clear that the island and its people were unprepared for a counter-attack. Thus, they and the duo begin to train.

Training became their top priority. Link and Zelda learned about magic and how to integrate it with their combat. Many monster encampments were cleared, and even the most ferocious of foes were toppled! The Master Sword Link wielded has grown even stronger with its magical powers.

And, on one fateful day, the beast returned, seeking to complete what it had begun. Will Link, Zelda, Mitroza, and the tribe finally quell the biggest foe they had ever faced?



Into the Island We Go! (Opening Cutscene) 

The sky was a clear blue, the ocean underneath shades darker. Its waters were gentle, merciful to its travellers. A single boat dressed in a white coat of paint with beige sails, marked with a yellow Triforce emblem, moved with grace towards the island before it. It carried two occupants, a young man and a young woman, exhausted from a long time of sailing. 

The boat beached onto the white sandy beach, and its occupants got out and dragged it further inland. Once they were done, the young man clapped his hands to remove debris and ruffled his brown hair. 

“Finally, I was about to get sick.” The man said, stretching his back. A blue shield with red markings and a Triforce logo and his shiny sword were strapped to it, the latter reflecting the bright sunlight off its blade. 

“Thank Hylia, I’ve seen a chapter too many of that” the woman chuckled, a tone of tiredness in her voice. She dusted the coattails of her blue uniform and looked at the sight before them. 

The sand was cut by a dense, lush jungle, A collage of varying shades of green, with brightly colored flower petals peppering the display. The taller trees formed a wall that reached the sky well above both of them. There were jungles back in Hyrule… just not with such foreign flora. 

“My, aren’t you pretty?” the woman spoke gently to a flower she plucked, with its petals a rich shade of magenta. 

“I wonder if I can make a bouquet and take it back… what do you think, Link?” She turned around only to see the man had vanished! 

“Link! Where did you run off to?!” She shouted before sighing. “At least give me a notice before you wander off…” she muttered.

“Over here, Princess!” A voice called out to her. It was Link, her appointed swordsman and protector. 

The Princess walked along the treeline, curious to know where he ran off to. It took a minute for Link to reappear in her sight, sitting on top of a pile of rubble where wood was the primary ingredient. 

“Link, what is this?” She asked, curious about the pile. 

“This, Zelda, is a shipwreck. It looks like we weren’t the only visitors here,” He pointed to a wooden oar snapped in half laying near the bottom of the pile. “Guess they didn’t come home to tell the tale.” 

Link stopped talking, and spotted something peculiar amongst the rubble. 

“Hang on a minute.” Zelda obliged as Link descended into a small crevice within the shipwreck. Debris and wooden planks were displaced as Link dug through the rubble. He re-emerged from the shipwreck, his right hand containing a book. It was about eight or nine inches long, its brown covers hanging onto the spine by quite literally a few threads. 

“What is this?” Zelda remarked as Link handed the book to her. She gently turned the cover, unveiling the first page. Then she checked the next page, and the next, and so on. She indulged in the illustrations of foreign objects, the paragraphs describing events she never heard of, soaking up all the information she could. But one pair of pages stopped her skimming. 

A large fish-like animal was drawn across two pages. It featured a web of purple lines across its body. 

“What is that thing? I don’t think we saw such a fish on the way.” Link asked, perplexed. 

“I don’t know, it’s not labelled” was all Zelda could answer. 

Their thoughts were interrupted by a growling sound. Link got into a fighting stance, armed with his sword and shield.

“That came from the water,” Link whispered to Zelda. The two looked at the innocuous ocean… when dark circles began to appear, and then rose out of the water. They yielded dark fish-like monsters! Their bony arms, dull red eyes, and swords made of bones marked them clearly as enemies. A larger monster roared, its sound as grotesque as the monster’s appearance. 

  “Princess, find cover!” Link shouted as a group of monsters began to charge at them. 

“No! Let me fight with you!” She shouted back, unsheathing her sword and shield. The pair were ready to take on their first catch! 

Encountering the Tribe 

Link trudged through the jungle, slashing a vine now and then. Zelda followed her swordsman closely, face buried in the journal held in her hands. 

“This marking here suggests a village. Perhaps we can learn from the locals” She suggested, imagining what the village and its residents have in store for them. 

“I just hope they’re nicer than the other locals… [monsters]” Link muttered, earning a light chuckle from Zelda. 

Sometime later, Link noticed the increasing sunlight in his path. 

“There must be a clearing up ahead, that must be it.” 

Zelda’s interest piqued, “Then we must be close.” 

“Stay here.” 

“scoffs… you are too paranoid.” 

He crouched and took slower strides, inspecting every bit of his field of view for any unpleasant surprises. He can now see the clearing, the sight of the village taking him by surprise.

“Oh dear…” Zelda said behind him, startling her swordsman and nearly sending him off balance. 

“I told you to stay put!” He said as he regained his composure. 

“Link, let me make the orders, please.” 

Their argument ended as the two observed the wreck that was in the village’s place. Piles of wood were scattered everywhere and only the frames of demolished structures remained. 

  “This place is a wreck…” Link broke the silence. “Guess the monsters did them in.” 

“This looks quite recent, I don’t see any signs of rotting on the wood,” Zelda theorized as she bent down to inspect a nearby pile, boarding a train of thought. 

That thought was derailed by a stranger hollering “Intruders!” and an arrow striking the center of Link’s shield, who positioned himself between the arrow’s trajectory and Zelda. She snapped out of the shock and unsheathed her sword. 

A group of warriors lept into the clearing and landed on the side not occupied by Link and Zelda. Most were armed with wooden shields and bows, while a minority were unarmed, their hands surrounded by a blueish-green light. 

“You two are intruding on our territory! Leave or we will take action!” The supposed leader of the group disrupted the silent standoff. His voice was gruff, with hardly any sign of welcome presented to the pair. Link responded by unsheathing the Master Sword and got into a fighting stance. 

“Hang on a minute, we’re not-” Zelda was disrupted mid-sentence as one of the warriors initiated a move, and Link sprinted toward them. 

“...oh for Hylia’s sake,” she said as she prepared to take on an incoming warrior. 

After Tribe Battle: The Chief!

The warriors were scattered across the ground, discharged from a fighting state after their encounter with the Hylian adventurers. Zelda unsheathed her sword and cleared her throat. 

“We had no intention to attack you! We just needed answers to what this place was!” She was stern, irritated by the warriors’ initial hostility. 

A moment later, she heard a noise from behind her. As Zelda turned around, a blue-green beam (like the ones the warriors shot out) struck Link down, despite the obstructing shield. She snapped to the left to see a figure covered under a blue cloak. 

“...Show yourself!” Zelda resheathed her sword. 

“I’m Mitroza, the chieftess of the island. You have proven to be a formidable threat, but now it’s time to finish this.” Her voice was authoritative and measured. Her hands’ auras grew slowly over time, leading Zelda to stiffen her stance. 

“Don’t you dare harm the Princess!” Link shouted angrily as he sprinted towards the chieftess, ready to strike with the Master Sword. 

“Princess? Princess of what, exactly?” Mitroza asked. 

“Link, hold on,” Zelda ordered, and Link begrudgingly obliged. 

“Link?” The chieftess asked curiously. A minute later, she continued in surprise, “...wait, Link the Hero? Then you must be the Princess of Hyrule.” 

The auras dissipated as Link and Zelda exchanged confused glances. 

“Why, yes, that’s me. But how do you…?” 

“No, I’m correct. That sword Link holds must be the Master Sword.” 

  “ know about this?” Link asked, looking at the weapon of the conversation.

“Link the Hero, Zelda the Princess, and the Sword that seals the darkness. A trio that played such an influential role in our people’s history…” Mitroza pulled the cloak over, unveiling her face. 

She continued, “I never thought I would meet you two. Come to the haven, We have a lot to discuss.” 

“The haven?” Zelda asked curiously, as the two followed the chieftess, as well as the soldiers they previously downed. 

First Encounter of the Leviathan Kind 

The sky was littered with large, dark clouds obscuring the sun and bringing forth water to rain down onto the island. Link, Zelda, and Mitroza watched from below as they made their way towards the island. 

“Good grief, that is quite a storm brewing,” Link said, standing up with arms folded. He turned to Mitroza. “Do they usually get this bad?” 

“Storms are normal, although this one looks heavier than usual.” The chieftess replied, craning her neck to observe the incoming clouds. Crackles of thunder rang out, a menacing vibe surrounding the storm. 

“By Hylia… that doesn’t look good at all, doesn’t it Mitroza?” Zelda remarked. Mitroza remained focused on the storm. 

“Mitroza… is everything alright?” Zelda continued, now approaching the unresponsive woman. 


Flashes of lightning spread over the sky like cracks in wood, and a fierce roar of thunder followed it. The lightning was not a bright yellow, but a dark purple. 

“Mitroza… Mitroza why is the lightning purple? Mitroza?!” Zelda, now afraid, reached out to her. Mitroza’s face was washed with dread, eyes open and pupils dilating. 

“...why is it back so soon?”

“...pardon?” Link remarked before chaos broke out amongst the villagers. Women and children were sent into their homes as men and a few women began to arm themselves. Prayers were made, spears were sharpened, and magical abilities were prepared. A scout frantically ran into the village, fear instilled in their face. 

“Chief! The leviathan’s coming from the north!” He cried out, snapping Mitroza out of her trance state and sending her into action. 

“You two need to come with me, now! We are all in danger!” She demanded Link and Zelda as she ran to where the warriors went. The pair were startled, but followed and caught up to Mitroza. 


The group of warriors, Mitroza, Link, and Zelda arrived at the rocky shore. This beach was a cocktail of sand and gravel, and only small shrubs served as vegetation. The ocean was coarser than when Link and Zelda arrived, with taller waves crashing harder onto the beach. In the distance, the purple lightning flashed bigger and brighter. The thunder roared even louder, forcing a few to cover their ears. 

Mitroza stood in front of the group, surveying the imminent wrath they had nearly perished from only recently. She turned and faced her subjects, a brave and determined face on display. 

“We did not fare well against the leviathan or the magician, but we refuse to surrender to such evil! I want everyone to fight as hard as they can, for the safety and future of our people!” 

An astounding war cry blew out from the warriors, nearly deafening Link and Zelda. The pair unsheathed their swords and shields, staring intensely at the forward movement of water. There was something there, alright… and it began to emerge. 

Link had faced enemies of all shapes and sizes back in Hyrule. Bokoblins and Moblins, Chuchus and Keese, Lynels and Hinox. No matter how strong or dangerous the foe was, he never ran from a fight and with Master Sword in hand, proved to be unbeatable. Yet his everlasting confidence faltered, overwhelmed by the sight before him.

The leviathan rose from the oceans, its gray body covered with purple, slime-like material with hints of orange. Its eyes were a lighter shade of purple and its pupils orange and black. What distinguished it was its size. For a moment, the entire sky was covered by its body. 

“...It’s huge…” Link put his sword down, almost defeated just by its sight alone. Zelda was speechless, while Mitroza and the warriors braced. The beast splashed down into the water, sending waves nearly as large as a person towards the shore at blistering pace. 

The warriors got to work, and with their magic, formed a barrier to handle a bulk of the impact. They were successful, but It took a lot of stamina out of them, some falling to the ground. 

“Link,” Zelda said, courage shining in her voice, “...Are you ready?” 

Link took another look at the beast, the Master Sword beginning to glow. “Ready.”




