Beyond the Horizon


In the misty darkness just before dawn, deep in the wild frontiers of Hyrule,  streaks of light sear across the sky. Only the early rising ranchers and cow-folk  bare witness to the event, staying their horses and pacifying their nervous herd as  the shower of stars glitters upon the land, seeding the open prairies and dusting  the tops of Death Mountain Ridge. But just as the sun is about to crest the  horizon, a new mirage overtakes the vista. Dark silhouettes materialize in the  motes of light, radiating out from monstrous and not-quite-hylian forms. The local  folk are quick to draw, having fended off beasts of the Wilds from their ward for  decades. New sparks of light rise to meet the grotesque starry figures as bullets  fire from pistols and side arms strike across the beings like flint onto steel.  

 A looming shadow watches this altercation from the rocky outcrops above.  Light pours forth from his open grin, and his eyelids crease around luminous orbs.  Flaming locks of hair plume around his grey shoulders.  

 “You will never find me here,” he muses. 

Little time passes before the Hylian militias rise, but they struggle to hold the  frontier. Some of their best people fall in the skirmish, and even the great sheriff  of Hyrule was lost. The locals call upon their bravest gunslinger, Link, to lead  them to victory against the outsiders. He rode out, badge shining on his lapel, to  find the cause of this invasion. 

Local establishments turn to medical centers overnight to cope with the number  of wounded. Amidst this, a slight woman sits at the bedside of a young fighter,  mumbling as she tends his wounds. Quiet verses to the Goddess Hylia fall upon  his drowzy ears.  

“This potion will help. Sleep well...” she says, before making her way out to the  stables.

“Lady Zelda,” a soft whisper greets her from within. An older woman, with white  hair and tattooed skin, grasps the leads of a brown mare.  

“Please don’t use titles, Impa. Here, I am but an Alchemist, and you are my dear  friend.” The two share a look, passing meaning without a word. Smiling, Impa  hands over the reigns. 

“They need you out there. Go to them.” 

Lightening cracks from the end of a whip, its echos falling across the vistas of  Hyrule. A cloaked figure atop a steed barrels down the mountain pass, invaders in  pursuit, their snarling, bestial forms drawing up plumes of dust in the pursuit of  the gold spilling from the rider’s saddle. The whip again cracks; smite after smite  the beastmen fall, and the mountain gust whips the rider’s hood back to show a  young gerudo man with strength in his eyes. Rubio knew his mother would be  proud. 

Time passes and the true enemy becomes clear. As The Watchers make contact  with the chosen Heroes of Hyrule, they learn of the Outlaw known as Demise. He  fled to their world in search of a great power, known to the Watchers as “The  Golden Light of Hyrule”. This was familiar to the Heroes, as each of them  harbored a piece of the Triforce, a primordial relic of creation that whispered  premonitions of danger to them and awoken in them great abilities.  

Now together with the Watchers, Link, Zelda, and Rubio team up against many  trials and battles to defeat Demise and reign in his tyranny.




Voice Acting - Zelda







